Updated to add CT DLC's clarified policy that supplier price postings are due only annually unless there is a price change.
02/10/2025, Federal, 5 A - General ProvisionsSection 5.1 updated to add straight American single malt whisky in the definition of "Age."
02/10/2025, Federal, 5 E - Mandatory Label InformationUpdated Sections 5.66, 5.72, and 5.74 to add American single malt whisky and straight American single malt whisky.
02/10/2025, Federal, 5 I - Standards of Identity for Distilled SpiritsUpdated Section 5.143 to add American single malt whisky and straight American single malt whisky.
02/10/2025, Federal, 5 K - Standards of Fill and Authorized Container SizesUpdated Section 5.203 for new standards of fill for spirits, adopted Jan. 10, 2025.
02/10/2025, Federal, 5 N - Advertising of Distilled SpiritsUpdated to replace "from" with "for" in Section 5.235(a)(7)(ii) per the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024.
02/05/2025, Federal, 6 A - Scope of RegulationsSection 6.5 updated with the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024.
02/05/2025, Federal, 6 C - Unlawful Inducements GeneralSection 6.21 updated with the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024.
02/05/2025, Federal, 6 D - ExceptionsSection 6.96(b) updated with the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024 to correct a misspelling.
02/02/2025, Federal, 10 A - Scope of RegulationsSection 10.5 updated with the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024.
02/02/2025, Federal, 11 A - Scope of RegulationsSection 11.5 updated with the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024.
02/02/2025, Federal, 8 A - Scope of RegulationsSection 8.5 updated with the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024.
02/01/2025, Federal, 4 A - ScopeSections 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7 updated with the technical amendments of Nov. 6, 2024.
02/01/2025, Federal, 4 B - DefinitionsSection 4.10 updated with the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024 amending the definitions of pure condensed must and sugar.
02/01/2025, Federal, 4 C - Standards of Identity for WineSections 4.20 and 4.25(e)(3) updated with the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024.
02/01/2025, Federal, 4 D - Labeling Requirements for WineSections 4.32b(d)(1), 4.33(c), and 4.39(a)(6) updated with the technical amendments published Nov. 6, 2024; Net Contents table added in Section 4.37, including new standards of fill.
02/01/2025, Federal, 4 H - Standards of fill for WineSection 4.72(a) updated with the new metric standards of fill for wine adopted Jan. 10, 2025.
02/01/2025, Federal, 4 J - American Grape Variety NamesSection 4.91 updated to note that the list of currently approved Grape Variety Names is found on TTB's website.
01/17/2025, North Carolina Control, 1. ContactLinks for further research added.
01/17/2025, North Carolina Control, 15.11 Services to Retailers/Shelf Stocking ActivitiesUpdated for the allowance of limited services after approval by the local ABC Board.
01/17/2025, North Carolina Control, 15.8 Sampling/Promotional Activities for RetailersUpdated and rearranged for clarity on sampling and tastings for ABC Boards and on-sale retailers.
01/17/2025, North Carolina Control, 16.10 Sponsorship/Stadiums/ArenasUpdated to provide that industry members may participate in and sponsor events held by non-profit, political and governmental entities.
01/17/2025, North Carolina Open, 1. ContactLinks for further research added.
01/17/2025, North Carolina Open, 15.11 Services to Retailers/Shelf Stocking ActivitiesUpdated to provide additional services that industry members may provide to retailers.
01/17/2025, North Carolina Open, 15.8 Sampling/Promotional Activities for RetailersReviewed and updated for regulations on samples and tastings.
01/17/2025, North Carolina Open, 16.10 Sponsorship/Stadiums/ArenasUpdated to provide that industry members may participate in and sponsor events held by non-profit, political and governmental entities.
01/16/2025, North Carolina Control, 15.1 Displays, Dealer Loaders, POS MaterialsUpdated to provide that suppliers may provide ABC stores with displays with a value up to $1,000 per brand and plug-in coolers with a value up to $1,500.
01/16/2025, North Carolina Control, 15.10 Trade Shows, Conventions or Trade Associations - Participation inUpdated to provide for supplier participation in non-retailer trade shows, conventions and events.
01/16/2025, North Carolina Control, 15.15 Equipment - Sales to RetailersIndustry members may now provide branded plug-in coolers to ABC stores.
01/16/2025, North Carolina Control, 15.17 Combination Packages (On-Packs, Gift Packs, etc.)Updated to provide that ABC stores may sell spirituous liquor products packaged with branded ad speciality items included.
01/16/2025, North Carolina Control, 15.9 Sampling/Promotional Activities for ConsumersUpdated to provide that two mixed beverages drinks may be sold at Spirituous Liquor Special Event Permits.
01/16/2025, North Carolina Open, 15.1 Displays, Dealer Loaders, POS MaterialsUpdated to provide that beer or wine wholesalers may provide displays with a value up to $600 per brand per year.
01/16/2025, North Carolina Open, 15.10 Trade Shows, Conventions or Trade Associations - Participation inUpdated to provide for supplier participation in non-retailer trade shows, conventions and events.
01/15/2025, North Carolina Control, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersSubsection covering delivery by retailers added.
01/15/2025, North Carolina Control, 17.7 COVID-19 Regulatory ReliefUpdated to report that the privilege of delivering sealed containers and single-serving drinks by retail licensees and delivery service permittees has been made permanent effective July 8, 2024.
01/15/2025, North Carolina Open, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersThe delivery of single-serving drinks by on-premises permittees and delivery service permittees is now allowed.
01/15/2025, North Carolina Open, 17.7 COVID-19 Regulatory ReliefUpdated to report that the privilege of delivering sealed containers and single-serving drinks by retail licensees and delivery service permittees has been made permanent effective July 8, 2024.
01/14/2025, Alaska, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersUpdated to report the repeal of the 200-transaction threshold for sales tax nexus effective January 1, 2025, and update the subsection on personal importation.
01/14/2025, North Carolina Control, 4. PricingUpdated to add provisions for sales below cost by local boards and notification of price reductions.
01/13/2025, Delaware, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersUpdated to add the requirements for delivery of alcoholic beverages by the holder of a Delivery Service License.
01/13/2025, Louisiana, 2. Supplier LicensesEmployees of licensed industry members no longer require a Solicitor's License.
01/13/2025, New York, 15.7 Product Donations to Charities and Non-ProfitsUpdated in accordance with latest SLA Advisory.
12/31/2024, Connecticut, 15.2 Mail-In Refund OffersUpdated for prohibition on giving merchandise, novelties or other items as a rebate and requiring the purchase of an alcoholic beverage for merchandise.
12/31/2024, Tennessee, 15.7 Product Donations to Charities and Non-ProfitsUpdated to add regulation on donations by licensees to non-profit organizations.
12/30/2024, California, 9. Credit to LicenseesUpdated to provide information on the new EFT payment system for sales by wholesalers to retailers, starting January 1, 2026.
12/27/2024, California, 15.7 Product Donations to Charities and Non-ProfitsSpecified licensees may donate to a non-profit charitable organization a portion of the proceeds from the sale of alcoholic beverages until December 31, 2030.
12/27/2024, Texas, 5. Size RestrictionsUpdated with minimum container size and new regulations.
12/26/2024, California, 1. ContactAdded contact information for CA ABC and CalRecycle.
12/26/2024, California, 17.7 COVID-19 Regulatory ReliefUpdated to report the extension of the temporary privilege granted to California craft distillers to ship spirits of their own manufacture to California consumers.
12/26/2024, New York, 1. ContactContact information expanded for various agencies.
12/13/2024, Delaware, 2. Supplier LicensesUpdated for new renewal process for supplier's licenses.
12/12/2024, North Carolina Open, 0. IntroductionUpdated to mention that Premixed Cocktails are sold only through the state-controlled system.
12/06/2024, North Carolina Control, 0. IntroductionUpdated to add Premixed Cocktails as product sold in the control system.
12/06/2024, North Carolina Control, 7. Excise Tax RatesUpdated to define premixed cocktails, and note that they are not subject to the mixed beverage tax charged on sales to mixed beverage permittees.
11/20/2024, Delaware, 1. ContactUpdated contact information for the DE Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement and DE Division of Corporations; added links for further research.
11/20/2024, District of Columbia, 1. ContactThe Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration (ABCA) has moved to a new location; contact information updated for the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection.
10/17/2024, Nebraska, 4. PricingUpdated to add requirements for sales invoices.
10/17/2024, New York, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersEffective November 16, 2024, direct shipments of spirits, cider, mead, and braggot are allowed under certain conditions.
10/17/2024, Rhode Island, 15.9 Sampling/Promotional Activities for ConsumersUpdated to provide that package stores may have unlimited wine tastings once in each of the months of March, August, and November.
10/16/2024, Massachusetts, 1. ContactAdded email address for SOS Corporations Division.
10/16/2024, Nebraska, 1. ContactAdded two email addresses for the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission.
10/16/2024, Nevada, 1. ContactUpdated contact information for the NV Department of Taxation.
10/15/2024, Connecticut, 15.9 Sampling/Promotional Activities for ConsumersUpdated to provide for fee-based educational tasting of spirits and increase the tasting quantities allowed for spirits in package stores.
10/11/2024, Pennsylvania Control, 0. IntroductionUpdated to add ready-to-drink cocktails are sold by PLCB and PA manufacturers to retailers and distributors.
10/11/2024, Pennsylvania Control, 7. Excise Tax RatesProvisions updated to clarify the definitions and marketing of alcoholic cider, mead, and fermented fruit beverages and add the definition for ready-to-drink cocktails (RTDCs).
10/10/2024, Pennsylvania Control, 15.15 Equipment - Sales to RetailersArticle updated to expand what equipment distributors are now allowed to sell or rent to other licensees.
10/10/2024, Pennsylvania Control, 17.2 Happy Hour RestrictionsUpdated to note that licensees may offer happy hours up to 24 hours per week and up to two food and drink combinations each day.
10/10/2024, Pennsylvania Control, 4. PricingUpdated to note that these provisions cover ready-to-drink cocktails.
10/09/2024, Illinois, 7. Excise Tax RatesUpdated to correct tax rates for Cook County excise taxes on table wine and beer.
10/04/2024, Pennsylvania Control, 11. Tied House RestrictionsUpdated to add exceptions to the types of employment allowed across tiers.
10/04/2024, Pennsylvania Control, 15.1 Displays, Dealer Loaders, POS MaterialsUpdated to increase the limit on point of sale materials to $750 per brand and prohibit stocking co-branded alcoholic beverages adjacent to non-alcoholic beverages.
10/03/2024, Pennsylvania Control, 16. AdvertisingArticle updated for new limit of $750 per brand for signs, effective September 13, 2024 and citations updated.
10/03/2024, Pennsylvania Control, 16.1 Signs Inside Licensed PremisesArticle updated for new limit of $750 per brand for signs, effective September 13, 2024 and citations updated.
10/03/2024, Vermont Control, 15.9 Sampling/Promotional Activities for ConsumersUpdated to increase the number of special event permits/year a manufacturer may hold and add wholesaler dealers as sources for beverages for sampling events.
10/03/2024, Vermont Open, 15.9 Sampling/Promotional Activities for ConsumersUpdated to increase the number of special event permits/year a manufacturer may hold and add wholesaler dealers as sources for beverages for sampling events.
09/30/2024, Colorado, 15.1 Displays, Dealer Loaders, POS MaterialsUpdated to report new regulation requiring signage when alcoholic beverages are displayed adjacent to juices, soft drinks, candy and toys.
09/30/2024, Colorado, 15.16 Commercial Bribery: Incentives to Retailers and Their EmployeesUpdated to provide that suppliers may cover expenses for entertainment and recreation.
09/26/2024, Nevada, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersUpdated to report new policy requiring licensing of fulfillment houses.
09/26/2024, Nevada, 2. Supplier LicensesUpdated to report new policy requiring licensing of third party logistics providers.
09/20/2024, Colorado, 15.10 Trade Shows, Conventions or Trade Associations - Participation inUpdated to provide information on wholesaler-sponsored trade shows for retailers.
09/13/2024, Illinois, 15.1 Displays, Dealer Loaders, POS MaterialsUpdated with requirements for display of co-branded alcoholic beverages adjacent to non-alcoholic products.
09/12/2024, Virginia Open, 3. Label/Product Registration for SuppliersUpdated to expand the cider definition.
09/12/2024, Virginia Open, 7. Excise Tax RatesUpdated to add cider tax rate.
09/06/2024, Nebraska, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersUpdated fee for label registration, expanded recordkeeping requirements, and added the types of alcoholic beverages covered by the license.
08/30/2024, Massachusetts, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersUpdated with new wine of own production rule, effective November 6, 2024.
08/29/2024, Nebraska, 3. Label/Product Registration for SuppliersUpdated fee being charged for brand registration.
08/29/2024, Nebraska, 8. Reporting Requirements for SuppliersUpdated to add new regulation on retention of records.
08/08/2024, Indiana, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersLiquor liability insurance is not required for out-of-state IN Farm Winery licensees.
08/08/2024, Indiana, 2. Supplier LicensesLiquor liability coverage is not required for out-of-state holders of an IN Farm Winery Permit.
07/09/2024, Colorado, 15.9 Sampling/Promotional Activities for ConsumersUpdated and reorganized in accordance with current regulations and new legislation.
07/09/2024, Indiana, 1. ContactAdded email address for Secretary of State.
07/09/2024, Mississippi Control, 1. ContactAdded email addresses for ABC and additional contact information for the MS Secretary of State.
07/08/2024, New Jersey, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersUpdated to note potential additional tax liabilities for holding an Out-of-State Winery License.
07/07/2024, Colorado, 11. Tied House RestrictionsProvisions updated and expanded.
07/07/2024, Ohio Control, 15.13 Advertising Specialties/NoveltiesUpdated in accordance with revised regulations.
07/07/2024, Ohio Open, 13. At Rest LawUpdated in accordance with revised regulations.
07/07/2024, Ohio Open, 15.13 Advertising Specialties/NoveltiesUpdated in accordance with revised regulations.
07/07/2024, Ohio Open, 16.1 Signs Inside Licensed PremisesProvisions updated.
07/06/2024, Florida, 15.11 Services to Retailers/Shelf Stocking ActivitiesIn-store servicing of distilled spirits allowed effective July 1, 2024.
07/06/2024, Mississippi Control, 7. Excise Tax RatesProvisions updated, information about required bailment fee added.
07/06/2024, Montana Control, 15.7 Product Donations to Charities and Non-ProfitsDonations by manufacturers now allowed.
07/06/2024, Montana Open, 15.7 Product Donations to Charities and Non-ProfitsDonations by manufacturers now allowed.
07/06/2024, New Jersey, 4. PricingUpdated to provide information on channel pricing, non-discrimination in pricing and discounts, and wholesaler requirements.
07/06/2024, Ohio Control, 15.9 Sampling/Promotional Activities for ConsumersProvisions clarified and updated in accordance with revised regulations.
07/06/2024, Ohio Open, 15.9 Sampling/Promotional Activities for ConsumersProvisions clarified and updated in accordance with revised regulations.
07/05/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.7 Product Donations to Charities and Non-ProfitsUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
07/05/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.8 Sampling/Promotional Activities for RetailersUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
07/05/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 17.3 Private LabelsProvisions updated in accordance with current regulations.
07/05/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 17.6 GrowlersProvisions updated.
07/05/2024, Montana Open, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersReorganized and clarified Direct Sales and Shipments to Retailers subsection.
07/05/2024, Ohio Open, 4. PricingUpdated to add prohibition against differential pricing practices.
07/05/2024, Oregon Control, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersPermanent regulations adopted covering Third-Party Delivery Facilitators.
07/05/2024, Oregon Open, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersUpdated with Bottle Bill information for direct shippers of cider and malt beverages; permanent regulations adopted covering Third-Party Delivery Facilitators.
07/05/2024, Virginia Control, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersProvisions concerning delivery by retailers and consumer personal importation limits have been updated.
07/05/2024, Virginia Open, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersProvisions concerning delivery by retailers and consumer personal importation limits have been updated.
07/03/2024, Colorado, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersThe privileges of takeout and delivery of alcoholic beverages from on-premises retail establishments is now permanent.
07/03/2024, Colorado, 17.7 COVID-19 Regulatory ReliefTakeout and delivery privileges have been made permanent, effective July 1, 2024.
07/03/2024, Colorado, 2. Supplier LicensesEffective August 7, 2024, the same company may hold both an Importer's License and a Wholesaler's License.
07/03/2024, Mississippi Control, 2. Supplier LicensesUpdated for new process to register with Secretary of State.
07/03/2024, Oklahoma, 1. ContactAdded website address for OK Tax Commission.
07/02/2024, Colorado, 1. ContactAdded email addresses for DOR Liquor Enforcement Division.
07/02/2024, New Jersey, 1. ContactAdded new address and toll free phone number for the Division of Taxation.
07/02/2024, Ohio Open, 1. ContactAdditional email addresses and URLs added.
07/01/2024, Virginia Control, 1. ContactUpdated contact information for the Bailment Warehouse.
07/01/2024, Wisconsin, 1. ContactUpdated to report contact information changes resulting from creation of new alcohol agency.
06/28/2024, Iowa Control, 1. ContactAlcohol agency moved to Department of Revenue, contact information updated.
06/28/2024, Iowa Open, 1. ContactAlcohol agency moved to Department of Revenue, contact information updated.
06/28/2024, Kentucky, 1. ContactUpdated contact information for DOR Excise Tax Section.
06/28/2024, Utah Control, 1. ContactUpdated URL for Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services, added contact information for Division of Corporations & Commercial Code.
06/28/2024, Virginia Open, 1. ContactAdded email for submitting price postings to the VA ABC and URL for searching for product approvals; added toll-free number for State Corporation Commission.
06/27/2024, Montana Control, 1. ContactAdded link to transaction portal.
06/27/2024, Montana Open, 1. ContactAdded link to transaction portal.
06/25/2024, Oklahoma, 2. Supplier LicensesLicensees that maintain compliance with all required tax payments for 10 years or more are exempt from their OTC bond requirement.
06/24/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 16.1 Signs Inside Licensed PremisesUpdated in accordance with revised regulations.
06/24/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 16.3 Radio AdvertisingUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/24/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 16.4 Television AdvertisingUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/24/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 16.5 Advertising in Other MediaUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/24/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 16.6 Cooperative AdvertisingUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/24/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 16.7 Direct Mail to ConsumersUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/24/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 16.8 Use of InflatablesUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/24/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 16.9 Billboard AdvertisingUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/23/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 0. IntroductionThe monopoly on liquor sales in Womico County has been repealed.
06/23/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.11 Services to Retailers/Shelf Stocking ActivitiesUpdated in accordance with revised regulations.
06/23/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.12 Wine Lists/Drink Lists/Table TentsUpdated in accordance with revised regulations.
06/23/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.13 Advertising Specialties/NoveltiesUpdated in accordance with revised regulations.
06/23/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.14 Glassware Sales to RetailersUpdated in accordance with revised regulations.
06/23/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.15 Equipment - Sales to RetailersUpdated in accordance with revised regulations.
06/23/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.9 Sampling/Promotional Activities for ConsumersUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/17/2024, Florida, 1. ContactAdded link to the Division of Consumer Services online filing service and links for further research.
06/07/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 13. At Rest LawUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/07/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations, and adding content to the Delivery by Retailers subsection.
06/07/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.1 Displays, Dealer Loaders, POS MaterialsUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/07/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.2 Mail-In Refund OffersUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/07/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.4 Consumer Merchandise Offers (Self-Liquidators)Updated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/07/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.5 Consumer SweepstakesUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/07/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 15.6 Consumer ContestsUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/06/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 10. Franchise Laws/Wholesaler Registration RequirementsUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/06/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 2. Supplier LicensesUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/06/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 3. Label/Product Registration for SuppliersUpdated to add requirements for pre-approval of gift packs.
06/06/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 4. PricingUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/06/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 5. Size RestrictionsUpdated in accordance with re-codification of regulations.
06/06/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 6. Promotional Allowances Offered to Wholesalers or Control State AgenciesUpdated to remove obsolete provisions.
05/30/2024, Utah Control, 0. IntroductionEffective May 1, 2024, liquor that contains more than 80% ABV may not be sold in Utah.
05/30/2024, Utah Control, 7. Excise Tax RatesThe markup on liquor, wine, heavy beer, and flavored malt beverages was increased effective May 1, 2024, and the excise tax on beer and heavy beer is incrementally increasing by $1 over the next four years.
05/29/2024, Kentucky, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersSmall distillers may now self-distribute under certain conditions; additional conditions enacted covering delivery of alcoholic beverages by the package.
05/29/2024, Kentucky, 3. Label/Product Registration for SuppliersCitations updated. Regulation requiring deposits on returnable bottles has been repealed.
05/09/2024, Florida, 5. Size RestrictionsAdditional legal sizes for wine added effective July 1, 2024.
05/09/2024, Maryland/Montgomery County, 1. ContactAdded contact information for Comptroller of MD; updated URLs for ATCC website and alcohol regulations, and added phone number for Alcohol Unit.
05/09/2024, Oklahoma, 15.8 Sampling/Promotional Activities for RetailersSampling of alcoholic beverages for purposes of training retail licensees and their employees allowed under specified conditions.
05/09/2024, Oklahoma, 3. Label/Product Registration for SuppliersUpdated to reflect a reduction and exemption from brand label registration fees.
05/07/2024, Maine Control, 2. Supplier LicensesOwnership disclosure requirements updated, effective July 16, 2024.
05/07/2024, Maine Open, 14. Direct Shipments to Consumers and/or RetailersRegistration and reporting requirements for fulfillment providers, changes in disclosure requirements, and other changes instituted effective July 16, 2024.
05/07/2024, Maine Open, 2. Supplier LicensesOwnership disclosure requirements updated, effective July 16, 2024.